By: Megan Jones Having a good job and a good career are two different things. Your job is one element to building your career. But your career is your repertoire of who you are as a professional. Therefore, to be successful in...

By: Megan Jones Searching for a job can be difficult. There are multiple obstacles that potential candidates must go through throughout their job searching process. The good news is that these factors are within your control. As a potential candidate you want to...

By: Megan Jones Work, the majority of us will spend the majority of our lives working. Whether you are new to the working world or have been in the industry for years there is always room to set great habits or refresh yourself on...

By: Megan Jones Congratulations, your resume has gotten you an interview (if you need resume tips, check out: How to Create an Outstanding Resume and Buzzwords to Use on Your Resume)! Now it is time to prepare for the common interview questions such...

By: Megan Jones Although it may seem easy, being on time to work on a daily basis can be difficult. However, it is imperative to being successful within your role. It may not seem like a big deal to be a few minutes...

By: Megan Jones Resumes can be difficult to accurately convey your past experience. Resumes provide a confined space to describe, showcase and market your best self. Moreover, recruiters and hiring managers look over hundreds of resumes so it can be exceptionally difficult...

By: Megan Jones Emails are the most common way to communicate with our colleagues, clients and customers. With so much practice, we may forget the common rules when it comes to emails or if you are new to the working industry you be unfamiliar...

By: Megan Jones Congratulations, you’ve gotten a job offer! In the midst of excitement, you may be eager to automatically accept the position. But before you consider accepting, ask yourself these important questions. Some of these questions may have been finalized in the interview process. But...

By: Megan Jones Everyone wants to feel heard and have the opportunity to voice their opinion. Having weekly check-ins are a great way to do it! Check-ins are important, it aids your relationship with your employees or manager and provides an open channel...

By: Megan Jones We have all been told it is always important to ask questions throughout out application process especially when you’re interviewing. But what about asking yourself questions that will help make your decision. You may have found the “perfect position”...