16 Feb Questions to Ask Yourself Before Accepting a New Job

By: Megan Jones
Congratulations, you’ve gotten a job offer! In the midst of excitement, you may be eager to automatically accept the position. But before you consider accepting, ask yourself these important questions. Some of these questions may have been finalized in the interview process. But if not these are pivotal questions to ask yourself before accepting a new job.
Why Ask Questions?
Asking yourself these questions to help you gauge your success for the job long term. In the excitement of receiving the offer, you may overlook some vital factors that will affect how you enjoy the position long term. Take the time after receiving an offer to truly reflect on their answers from the interview and the offer they provide you to ensure you make a positive decision for you.
Questions to Consider
Do I Like the Company Culture?
When interviewing ask the hiring manager how they feel about the company culture. Then once the offer is accepted reflect on their responses. Some work environments are stern and autonomous, other environments are more based upon collaboration and teamwork. What environment do prefer long term? You will spend the majority of your week working, so you want to have an environment and culture that is comfortable and will yield success for you.
Will This Position Help my Long-Term Goals?
Think to yourself where do I see myself in five years? Does this role help me get there? If not, why are you accepting the role? What is your goal in accepting this role? These are all really important factors to consider in accepting a position. Every position should help you reach your long term goals.
Does this Salary Fit Within my Lifestyle?
Your salary should make you comfortable. Ideally if you are starting a new role you would like a position that pays higher than your previous because you have more experience. Moreover, your new job should support your current lifestyle and financial goals. More importantly, your position should accurately reflect your salary. During the interview process ask about the day to day responsibilities. Then when they present the salary ensure that you feel it is appropriate for the work they are asking of you. If the salary seems low also consider the whole package. What are the benefits like? How is the PTO, sick pay, and medical benefits? Consider the whole package before accepting your new role.
Are There Opportunities for Growth?
Does this position provide growth within the company? What experience does this provide? Are there opportunities or programs for additional training or education to aid with your position? Your employment should foster your growth and development professionally.
Will I be Doing What I am Interested In?
Again, you will spend the majority of your week working. Ideally your position should be something you are interested in and something you enjoy. Moreover, a company may throw a large salary to counteract the position you may be accepting. Another opportunity to ask about the day to day in the interview and then again reflect if it is something that matches your interest.
Once again, getting an offer if an exciting time and you should feel exceptionally proud. But make sure it’s a great deal for you! If not, then accepting the position can be an injustice to you and the company. We hope this helps you accept your dream job and if you are still looking for that perfect position or candidate, consider PsiNapse to help you find your perfect match!
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