By: Megan Jones Work, the majority of us will spend the majority of our lives working. Whether you are new to the working world or have been in the industry for years there is always room to set great habits or refresh yourself on...

By: Megan Jones Happy almost Cinco De Mayo! If you are looking to learn the history, check out our last years article on Cinco de Mayo. If you do celebrate there are plenty of great options to do so! From checking out a...

By: Megan Jones We all have faced hardships, difficulty, and inconveniences throughout our lives. From all the detriment of the pandemic, personal hardships, to everyday inconveniences such as getting cutoff on the highway, we all experience a negative change in our emotions....

By: Megan Jones Congratulations, your resume has gotten you an interview (if you need resume tips, check out: How to Create an Outstanding Resume and Buzzwords to Use on Your Resume)! Now it is time to prepare for the common interview questions such...

By: Megan Jones In one lifetime or the next you are most likely going to interact with a coworker that isn’t your perfect match. On one hand, having a diverse population among co-workers is a wonderful thing! You get different perspectives and it...

By: Megan Jones “Do you prefer working alone or in groups”, is a common interview question to seek insight as to how an individual will work in a team because teams are essential in the work place. Additionally, it is essential that when building...

By: Megan Jones Although it may seem easy, being on time to work on a daily basis can be difficult. However, it is imperative to being successful within your role. It may not seem like a big deal to be a few minutes...

By: Megan Jones Resumes can be difficult to accurately convey your past experience. Resumes provide a confined space to describe, showcase and market your best self. Moreover, recruiters and hiring managers look over hundreds of resumes so it can be exceptionally difficult...

By: Megan Jones The working world is constantly evolving (just look at how different our working world is since 2020). Remote working and flexible schedules are our new norm. As an employee, it is imperative that we continue to adapt to these new...

By: Megan Jones Work can be stressful to say the least. Although I have yet to work in a position or for a company that was completely stress free, the majority of your position should not cause you overwhelming stress. However, it...

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