By: Megan Jones Dear Graduate, Graduating, is a monumental moment. In years past, these moments were commemorated with celebrations and parties. However, this year looks a little different. Despite any alterations to the usual festivities, graduates, you should be so proud. Whether you are...

By: Sylvia Luneau Summer is almost here! Warm weather is upon us, and there is nothing more quintessentially summer than a good ole’ fashioned backyard BBQ with family and friends.  It is time to clean and  dust off the grill and prepare for a wonderful summer...

By Megan Jones: Happy Cinco de Mayo! Today is a holiday most known as a colorful celebration and to enjoy food and drink rooted in Mexican culture. However, the history is less known. Cinco de Mayo is a holiday that commemorates the Mexican victory over...

By : Sylvia Luneau The pandemic transcended how many organizations operate. Numerous organizations capitalized on working remotely, as meetings began to occur over video platforms and emails and instant chats became the most popular way to quickly communicate. Many have adjusted and adapted this “new...

By: Sylvia Luneau Northern California has been experiencing mild spring weather.  Farmer’s markets are buzzing with fragrant strawberries,  vibrant flowers and… the honey vendor is here! Support the local honey vendors among your local farmers. Honey vendors only make a few gallons of honey per...

By Sylvia Luneau The warm weather has ushered in the second quarter of 2021, and summer is on the horizon.  This is a great time to review goals and create a new business plan.  If we are able to focus on what is working and spotlight...

By Sylvia Luneau Every day we are experiencing change! The warmer weather is ushering updates and news about counties re-opening and activities resuming. We are experiencing yet another social shift and calendars are becoming booked! Although we cannot control many things, we can help our mind...

Cesar Chavez was an activist and crusader who fought to develop humane working conditions for farm workers and other laborers. ...

We want to set the stage for fun and relaxation so that we can continue to ease into 2021. And who said Valentine’s Day had to be all about romance? All things considered, celebrating life, love, and connections in general seems like a great focus...

If you’ve ever done research into effectively setting goals, you’ve more than likely stumbled across Locke and Latham’s Goal-Setting Theory. Their research started back in the 1960’s and has been consistently updated and validated since. Today, it remains an effective roadmap to increased performance in...

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