By: Megan Jones From starting a new job, new position, or you feel daily nerves, you may feel workplace anxiety lurking in your mind. What is workplace anxiety? Workplace anxiety is the presence of the symptoms of anxiety, such as feelings of unease, worry...

By: Megan Jones Work can feel like one of our main sources of stress and you may experience times where that stress feels overwhelming. Remember to take a deep breath and reflect. It can be difficult to try and get through however, it is possible. If...

By: Megan Jones Do you ever get so consumed with work, that when you finally look at the clock you realize you have been sitting for over 4+ hours and haven’t moved or even had a sip of water. Work can pull us in...

By: Megan Jones Many of us may spend a great deal of time at our desks. Whether you are working from home or in office, your desk can become your sanctuary and an area where you are both productive yet comfortable. Regardless of...

By: Megan Jones We all spend a majority of our weeks working, so we have to ensure we are enjoying the work that we do. Last week's article focused on the how to work with stress in the workplace. This week I want...

By: Megan Jones Can you believe January is already over? It feels like just last week it was the New Year. This year has been off to busy start and it has definitely provided me with some unnecessary stress. This extends to...

By: Megan Jones Work can be stressful to say the least. Although I have yet to work in a position or for a company that was completely stress free, the majority of your position should not cause you overwhelming stress. However, it...

By: Megan Jones Work…many of us may spend the majority of the week working or recovering from work. No matter how much or little you may love your job work can be taxing, stressful, and overall exhausting. But to maintain a healthy work...

By Sylvia Luneau Every day we are experiencing change! The warmer weather is ushering updates and news about counties re-opening and activities resuming. We are experiencing yet another social shift and calendars are becoming booked! Although we cannot control many things, we can help our mind...