By: Megan Jones Spring is here, and I myself am feeling more chipper as the bay experienced a beautiful sunny weekend. It felt like the first beautiful weekend in a long time! Now before all weekends turn sunny, it is a great time to...

By: Megan Jones They say when it rains it pours, and California is having one of the rainiest seasons I have ever experienced. When the groundhog said 6 more weeks of winter, he really wasn’t kidding! If you are anything like me, the...

By: Megan Jones Despite the warm weather we are experiencing throughout the east bay, fall is right around the corner! Leaves are starting to change color and the weather will start to get cooler. Before the seasons start to change here are some tips and events...

By: Megan Jones Happy Summer and World Nature Conservation Day! Summer yields the wonderful opportunity to take vacations and enjoy the wonderful weather outside. As we begin to take some of our much-needed PTO and school is out, take this time to enjoy and embrace the...

By: Megan Jones Summer is here! The sun is shining and it is the perfect opportunity for a new adventure. Are you looking for a new date night or a fun activity to do with family and friends? Look no further! ...

By: Sylvia Luneau Summer is almost here! Warm weather is upon us, and there is nothing more quintessentially summer than a good ole’ fashioned backyard BBQ with family and friends.  It is time to clean and  dust off the grill and prepare for a wonderful summer...