Why You Should Go With Contract and Temporary Staffing

Why You Should Go With Contract and Temporary Staffing
By Hunter Laine

How can temporary staffing provide stability for you now?


In even the best of times, your business can benefit from flexibility. But in times of uncertainty, flexibility is KEY to your business’ success. That’s where PsiNapse can step in to connect you with human solutions.

How can we help you right now?

Through Contract or Temporary Placements.

A contract employee gives you the power to quickly increase staff levels as needed, and end assignments without complex legal responsibilities. With contracting, you have the ability to easily extend a contract past its original time frame, transition it into a full time position, or amicably end the engagement on a specific date. These options allow the kind of flexibility that the world demands right now.

Have your business objectives/goals changed in the past few months?

Maybe you’ve been focusing more on marketing and now it’s time to hire more proactive salespeople to reach out and boost your visibility or product. 

Contract and temporary staffing allow you to effortlessly manage the ebbs and flows of your business. This gives you the ability to thrive in this constantly evolving marketplace.

Are there new things to be done that you have never had to think about before? New policies, procedures, or safety measures to create and implement?

A temporary employee can help start new programs and be a part of implementing those with an indefinite time frame. 

Thinking about hiring temperature screeners to ensure the safety of your returning, on-site workforce? By hiring a contract employee to a position like this, you have people able to quickly fill the role, and can reassess periodically and end or extend the assignment easily as the needs of your business (and the world) change. 

Do you need to create training for those new policies and procedures? 

Accelerate the learning process.

Bring in a temporary consultant with “deep expertise” in a certain skill to accelerate the learning curve for a new software, process, or initiative.

Are you trying to find ways to keep your staff feeling motivated, engaged, and supported?

Drive productivity with temps. 

With contract employees, you give your current staff the freedom to focus more on their core roles/higher-level work, while delegating other, more menial tasks.

Are you worried about putting additional stress and frustration on your employees’ shoulders by adding an unknown entity to the team or filling a position that may turn out to be unnecessary?

Strengthen team morale with a temporary consultant to ensure that the position you are creating is necessary and that the person that you are considering bringing on full time works well with your established team.

CALL or EMAIL us at PsiNapse!

Knowing you have a partner standing at the ready (that’s us!) for you to call into action when an urgent need arises,  allows you to pivot and quickly advance your business goals with very little effort. Let us do the heavy lifting! From our perspective, we get to help you AND help to advance someone else’s career! There is no downside, just ‘upsides’ all around!

Get in touch with us.

Prefer human contact? We do too. (925) 225-0400