What is Your Leadership Style?

By: Megan Jones

What do you think of when you hear the word leader? Moreover, who do you think of and what key traits does that individual have? Did you know that there are ten different leadership styles, each with their own key attributes? Let’s investigate each of these styles to find what your leadership style is and what style you work best with!

The Ten Leadership Styles


A coaching leader is someone who recognizes their teams’ strengths and weaknesses. This leader will motivate their employees to set goals and provide feedback. This leaders’ key traits are:

  • Supportive
  • Guide instead of providing commands
  • Value learning
  • Self-aware


A visionary leader drives progress, ushers’ change and new ideas. This leader establishes a strong organizational bond with their employees. This leaders’ key traits are:

  • Magnetic
  • Bold
  • Inspirational
  • Innovative


A servant leader lives by a people-first mindset. Their goal is for employees to feel personally and professionally fulfilled. They focus on employee satisfaction and tend to achieve higher levels of respect. This leaders’ key traits are:

  • Communication
  • Protective
  • Encourage Collaboration
  • Motivational


An autocratic leader who focused mainly on results and efficiency. They are decision makers, and expect their employees to adhere to rules. This leaders’ key traits are:

  • Authoritarian
  • Self-Motivated
  • Self-Confidence
  • Highly Dependable


A laissez-faire leader often delegates numerous tasks to team members and provides little supervision. This leader relies on highly experienced employees, to ensure there is trust in the work being delegated. This leaders’ key traits are:

  • Autocratic
  • Delegatory
  • Constructive critics
  • Effective delegation


A democratic leader relies heavily on the feedback their team. This leader drives discussion and participation amongst employees. This leaders’ key traits are:

  • Supportive
  • Innovative
  • Flexible
  • Value group discussion


A pacesetter leader is primarily focused on performance. They set high standards and hold their employees accountable. This leader is motivational and fast-paced. This leaders’ key traits are:

  • Goal Oriented
  • Highly Competent
  • Values performance over soft skills
  • High Standards


A transformational leader ensures clear communication, goal setting and employee motivation. This leader is driven towards commitment to the organization. This leaders’ key traits are:

  • Encouraging
  • Mutual respect for Employees
  • Creative
  • Intellectually Challenging


A transactional leader is laser-focused on performance. The manager predetermines incentives and provides rewards based on success. These leaders like to be mentors  and training employees to achieve. This leaders’ key traits are:

  • Performance focused
  • Value corporate structure
  • Practical
  • Pragmatic


A bureaucratic leader is by the book and expects employees to adhere to the same. This leader provides each employee with a set of responsibilities and there is little collaboration or creativity. This leaders’ key traits are:

  • Detail oriented
  • Values Structure
  • Strong-willed
  • Commitment to Organization

Leadership Styles in Action

Despite, these different styles this is not to say that every leader fits clearly into one. Odds are most leaders have a combination of a few of these styles. Now if we shift these leadership styles into the workplace, which of these does your manager possess? Which do you?

Additionally, consider the difference between these leadership styles. Which of these styles would work cohesively together and where would viewpoints clash? Moreover, consider which leadership style you would have difficulty working with or under. As the age old saying you don’t quit companies you quit bosses—would one of these leadership styles put you in that position?

From a different perspective as a manger or leader, consider what your employees would need. Most likely there is a correlation between a cohesive leadership style and employee satisfaction and motivation. As a manager how can you ensure your employees are satisfied? Does that satisfaction correlate to positive results?

Finally, from an organizational standpoint, most likely you have numerous managers and positions of leadership. When it comes to making executive decisions, how cohesive will your leaders be? How will that in turn affect your company and organization as a whole?

Leaders are imperative in any organization: from a basic hierarchical standpoint, to inspiring and motivating employees. Consider these different styles and which is beneficial to you, your employees, and your organization. Odds are, having multiple is the best output to ensure your employees are satisfied and your organization runs smoothly!

Looking to find out more about your leadership style? Clicker here to learn more!

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