Look How Far We Have Come in 2021

By: Megan Jones

As the last days of 2021 dwindle down it’s a time for reflection. PsiNapse has created a plethora of articles about bettering the self and improving your work performance (Most recently check out our 2022 SMART Goals and Happy First Official Day of Fall). Now don’t get me wrong the 2022 New Years Resolution Article is coming, but today I want to focus on something else…look how far we have come in 2021.

Here are some Amazing Things We Accomplished in 2021.

COVID-19 Vaccinations Became Available

Now it bares to mention that COVID has consumed our lives since the end of 2019, and there is plenty of news that is overbearing and daunting. But like the saying it isn’t about the view it’s the climb. Although we haven’t overcome COVID yet, we have made significant strides.  In 2021 the COVID vaccine began to become available (after the first surge of vaccinations December 14th, 2020) for widespread distribution. Now the vaccine has become a debate and it is multifaceted, but it is an amazing accomplishment to have created a vaccine that provided us with an option and an opportunity to help fight this battle.

NASA Made Oxygen on Mars

In April, NASA was successful in converting some of Mars’s carbon-dioxide-rich atmosphere into oxygen. Another giant leap for mankind for getting humans on Mars. Read more at NASA.

United Flew the First Passenger Aircraft with 100 Percent Sustainable Fuel

This December 100 passengers en route to Washington DC from Chicago flew with sustainable fuel of sugar water and corn. This fuel is believed to be up to seventy-five percent cleaner than its petroleum counterpart. Read more at Business Insider.

The Worlds First 3D-Printed School Opened its Doors

An entire school in Malawi, Africa opened its doors in July entirely using 3D printing technology. The efforts were to combat classroom shortfall in the country. This technology allowed students to travel a shorter distance to get to school. Read more at Reuters.

The Human Brain Wirelessly Connected to a Computer

In efforts to provide a new treatment and innovation for spinal cord injuries, scientists at Brown university connected a human brain to a computer via a transmitter device. This allowed paralysis patients to move robotic limbs by simply imagining their movements with their brain.

It has been a year of change, of good of bad and with promise for something better. My optimism brings great hope that 2022 will be our year that we can overcome the challenges we have faced and start a new year with endless opportunities for growth and betterment.

Test Your 2021 Current Event Knowledge:

 5 Things Year in Review Quiz-CNN

Looking to Learn More? Check out source sources below!

21 Things that Made the World a better Place in 2021-CNN21 Things that Happened for the First Time in 2021-NYTimes


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