29 Sep How to Prepare for your Job Performance Review

By: Megan Jones
As we near the end of this year, job performance reviews are right around the corner! Soon it will be time to discuss all the goals and projects that you set forth to accomplish this year. However, there is still time to create a new goal or habit in your profession! (Looking for motivation? Check out last week’s article!) With these lingering reviews let’s get you prepared for that job performance review meeting!
Performance reviews can be anxiety inducing, but they don’t have to be! Let’s get you prepared and frame your mindset that this is a wonderful opportunity to have one on one time with your manager to discuss your role! Additionally, the more prepared you are will help ease the nerves and something your manager/boss will recognize!
How to Prepare for your Performance Review
Create a Folder of Your Accomplishments
Although this might seem peculiar, keeping track of your accomplishments or successes throughout your role will provide you with plenty of examples to showcase your growth throughout the year. Moreover, if you keep folders with these accomplishments throughout the course of the year, you will have a solid record of everything that you have completed! Its easy to forget what happened in the beginning of the year. If you keep a file that you constantly add to it can is easier to track what you have accomplished and give you a bigger body to work from!
But, if you haven’t had the opportunity to create one yet, don’t worry! It is never too late to start! You can create a folder or a word document to write down what you have accomplished. Then go back through your files and look what you have accomplished. Remember, big or small these accomplishments deserve recognition during your review!
Creating Goals
Yes, I know, we discuss goals quite frequently….But they are imperative! By setting goals it shows your initiative and drive for improvement. However, creating goals is only the first step! Begin by setting the goal. Next, come up with a plan and specific ways that you plan to accomplish them. Then when it comes to your performance reviews, you will have explained your goal and the steps you took to complete it!
Be a Team Player
Yes, performance reviews are mainly about you. However, you should also be a team player with your team and company. What have you contributed to help the greater good? A good employee focuses on advancing themselves, but a great employee is going to work towards advancing themselves and their organization. Consider creating your goals not only advance you, your team and your company!
Additionally, another aspect of being a team player is acknowledging others for their work. When someone assists you, thank them! Furthermore, when it comes to your performance review, whenever there is a team collaboration mention it. Who helped and how? Expressing your appreciation to and about your colleagues helps create a cohesive strong team, that ultimately will benefit, you, your manager and your comapny!
Acknowledge Mistakes and Areas to Improve
Of course, during our performance reviews, we want to appreciate and praise for the hard work we do. But it is important to recognize that we are not perfect and there is always room for improvement. Remember, accidents or mistakes don’t make you a bad employee…but use these as moments to propel growth and learn from them. When it comes time for your review, recognize where you would like to improve. First, that shows that you recognize and are taking accountability for your actions. Second, it allows you to create an opportunity on how you plan to grow from the situation. Again, think of this area like the interview question “what is your biggest weakness”. This is area that you need to work on, but you acknowledge and have a plan on how to improve. Moreover, these areas are great ways to create goals for the next year!
Performance reviews can be nerve-wracking, but they are a wonderful opportunity to speak with your manager about your performance and where they would like to see you go in the future. We hope these tips help you prepare and feel more confident in yourself and your performance!
Looking to further Prepare? Check out our sources:
6 Tips to Prepare for a Performance Review-Indeed
6 Ways to Prepare for Annual Performance Review-Business Insider