How to Prepare for the Fall Season!

By: Megan Jones

Despite the warm weather we are experiencing throughout the east bay, fall is right around the corner! Leaves are starting to change color and the weather will start to get cooler. Before the seasons start to change here are some tips and events to prepare for the fall season!

EBMUD Coastal Clean Up

EDMUD is asking for your help, with the annual EDMUD Coastal Clean Up! The goal: to help clean up and protect our local waterways and banks! 

Register: First begin by registering for the coastal cleanup by today, September 15th. To register: go to EDMUD Coastal Cleanup. For additional assistance email: Ranger Lora Sparrowk or call 209-772-8620

Date: September 18th. 

What to Bring: Long pants, sturdy boots/shoes, work gloves, hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, insect/tick repellent, and plenty of drinking water. 

Additional Information: Participants under 18 are welcome with written permission from a parent or guardian; an adult must accompany those under 16.

EBMUD will provide tailored clean-up supplies with a pick up location, a map detailing your cleanup area, where to dump the trash you collect, and where to return the clean-up supplies. The only people you will be in contact with during the event are the members of your party. Any contact with the event coordinators will be via the internet or phone.

Weather Conditions: Rain or shine but be prepared for warm weather. Click here for weather information.


Cleaning up your yard or area can help in a multitude of ways! Consider adding fertilizer to your garden to help promote growth. Additionally, throughout the season, rake and remove fallen leaves. Leaves can get trapped in gutters which inhibits rainfall from draining and creates floods. Moreover, cleaning up dead, dried or fallen landscape reduces late season wildfires.

Roof and Window Inspections

Consider checking your windows and roof, to ensure they are secure and sealed to avoid leaks and damage when the rain arrives!

Safety First

California, although usually stays within warm weather can have unpredictable seasons, with fall having the occasional heavy storm. Before it arrives it is a great time to check your smoke detectors, ensure you have flashlights and batteries, and earthquake kits.

Furnace Fixing

As the weather cools, make sure your furnace is in proper condition. Check the filter and ensure it is clean. Additionally consider, having for furnace inspected, to confirm it is up and running properly.

We hope this tips help you prepare for the fabulous fall season!


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