How to Create an Outstanding Resume

By: Megan Jones

When it comes to resumes, there is an abundance of information out there. With confusing, confounding, and contradicting information it can be difficult to feel confident creating a resume. But worry not, Psinapse is here to help! Let’s address the controversy about resumes and help you create an outstanding resume that will impress recruiters!

Common questions About resumes:

Do recruiters only look at your resume for ten seconds?

It depends!  A recruiter may initially look at your resume and if it is poorly formatted, or the candidate does not have any relevant skills, the recruiter may only spend 10-30 seconds reading it. Therefore, it is imperative that your resume is clean, organized and pleasing to the eye. Moreover, the recruiter is most likely looking for certain skills or keywords. Spend time looking at the job description and then highlight the key skills that they are looking for in your resume, if applicable to you.

Can I use one resume to apply to numerous positions?

Resumes are not one size fits all! Recruiters are looking for certain skills in a resume that usually stem from the job listing. In order to best fit what a recruiter is looking for, create a resume template with all the experience you currently have.  Next, use the job listing as a guide to find the key attributes a good candidate should have. Then take the template you have and edit your resume template to fit the role you are applying for.

Can I fabricate on my resume?

A candidate should never lie on their resume. A good recruiter will be able to quickly find out if a candidate it lying by asking the right questions. Additionally, should the candidate make it through to the hiring manager, and the hiring manager finds out, it can lead to the end of the interview. Most likely, both the manager and recruiter not wanting to work with the candidate any longer.

Are there key words that I should have on my resume?

Keywords can be very beneficial! Recruiters may be looking for certain skill sets or attributes and they may scan your resume specifically for. This is another opportunity to again look at what the job listing states. If the job states that they are looking for a candidate with Microsoft Office or G Suite experience, those are important words to add to your resume. Additionally, key words are imperative on LinkedIn, recruiters will type a certain word to populate a list with candidates who have those descriptions.

Is there a specific format that a resume should have?

A resume is a marketing tool to showcase why you are a qualified and good candidate for a position. Everyone’s experience is different and recruiters may have different preferences. Therefore, order of the different sections can differ however, every resume should have:

  • Heading: with your name the biggest. Then below in a smaller font add your contact information such as: phone number, email, LinkedIn address
  • Professional Summary: a brief description of your best experience, top accomplishments and what you are looking for in your next position.
  • Education: From high school and beyond, list the highest degree you have and where you received it from
  • Experience: in reverse chronology with the header including the name of the company, the position you held and the dates that you worked with the organization.
  • Skills: Other notable experience you have that did not fit within the experience you already stated.

Additionally Submit your resume as a PDF so that there is not a change in format when the a recruiter or hiring manager receives it

Can my resume be over one page?

It depends! Your resume can definitely be over one page if it is well written and contains pertinent information that showcase your skillset. A general rule of thumb is to include work experience within the past 10 years. Again only add information that would display your experience that ties into the the position you are applying for.

How to Format Your Resume:

Make it visually appealing:

Keep your resume clean and concise. If it is difficult to read, a recruiter may bypass it, regardless of how qualified you are. Keep it organized by, bolding the titles, appropriate font and size, and have a good flow from section to section.

Font size should be around 12 in order to be legible and easy to read. Common fonts for resumes are: Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial, or Helvetica.

Tailor it to the job you are applying for:

Prioritize employment experience that showcases applicable qualifications. Do not highlight experience that is not tailored to that position. If you are newer to the job market and do not have a lot of experience yet, utilize the experience you do have.

Understand what your hiring manager is looking for:

Review the job positing, what is the verbiage and skills they are looking for? How does your experience fit in with what they are looking for? Take careful consideration in what you include and utilize the experience that best fulfills what the job posting is looking for.


Ensure that your resume is grammatically correct. Recruiters look at numerous resumes a day, they do not have the time to try and figure out what you are trying to say. Moreover, a resume with multiple errors, looks sloppy and that can translate to how you will be in the position. Pay attention to detail and take the time to ensure your resume is formatted appropriately.

We hope these tips are helpful in curating an outstanding resume! Need assistance in looking for a candidate or are you looking to find a new position? Consider contacting Psinapse!


Indeed-Resume and Cover Letter Advice

Monster-Make your Resume Stand Out

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