29 Jul A Letter From Our CEO, Sylvia Luneau

Never has my job felt more meaningful than it does at this moment in time. Each new job order is a triumphant step toward a newly-imagined future, each placement a transformative opportunity, a light at the end of the tunnel.
I am so grateful for my PsiNapse team and for the solution-oriented spirit that they have all embodied throughout this watershed moment driven by COVID. We are a multi-generational team and the openness with which we communicate has made it very clear how differently generations are reacting to this history-dense time.
I am from Gen X, so I grew up a latchkey-kid in the seventies, believing deeply in the power of positive thinking to overcome all and vision boards to achieve my goals. When this crisis began, I did what I always do: I focused on thinking positively, turned to gratitude, and celebrated the small wins. Initially, this normal thought process worked to a degree and I thought, this too, shall pass. Will it pass? Should we let it just pass? The latter half of the Millennial generation and the older Gen Z-ers are just now entering the career space and trying to figure out how to establish themselves in a world that will be impacted by economic and social uncertainty for years.
So what are we doing to ensure that we come out of this stronger and more prepared, as a company and as a community? We are dedicating ourselves to learning more about COVID, the challenges that it creates in the workplace, and ways that we can work around them. We are staying engaged so that we can be a conduit of information for our clients and consultants. There are many ambitious and incredible initiatives out there that work to support the at-risk populations in our community. We are taking an active stance, being advocates for and donating to those in need. We are launching a volunteering program to encourage our team members, if and when able, to give their time. We are listening. We are empowering those that speak of disparity and supporting those that feel emotionally and physically at risk.
PsiNapse currently has job openings and we are steadily gaining more as our trusted partners begin the regrowth process with our help and support. We are seeing a degree of resilience and adaptability that the United States has not demonstrated in living memory. The individual and company-level response that we have seen, has so often been awe-inspiring. We are a resilient people, and we are learning how to grow into and exist in this new, very not-normal, normal.
We feel so grateful, at PsiNapse, to be able to tangibly be a part of the build back and to be on the front lines, able to track and amplify the growth.
With Warm and Hopeful Regards,
Sylvia Luneau
CEO and Founder of PsiNapse Technology, Ltd.