5 Tips for Growing Within a Company

By: Megan Jones

If you are happy within your current company, you may consider continuing your career growth within your current company. There are plenty of ways to continue to grow professionally while staying at your current organization. It is important to check in with yourself and reflect how you would like to grow, what areas you would like to improve in, and how you envision your career trajectory. If you are enjoying your current role and organization and looking for new opportunities within your company, here are 5 tips for growing within a company.

What are the benefits of Career Growth Within the same Company?

You should prioritize you career growth and decide if you would like to continue to pursue a career in your current organization. Staying within the same organization can help you learn valuable skills and increase your marketability within your company. Additionally, there are plenty of personal benefits if you choose to continue your career growth within your organization.

  • Higher pay and benefits
  • Leadership skills and opportunities
  • Greater and stronger professional network
  • Professional reputation

If you stay within your company and continue to advance your career trajectory you are likely to gain leadership skills. Additionally, organizations may find internal candidates more promising for promotions given their background knowledge of the company’s values. Additionally, as you continue to stay within organization you can build a stronger professional network with colleagues within different departments. Moreover, the longer you stay and build your network, you continue to build your professional reputation.  

5 Tips for Growing Within a Company

Determine Your Path

In order to know where you want to go, you need to reflect on the path you want to take. When you begin your first position within a new organization, ask other colleagues about their experience, their career journey, and team cultures. Additionally, look at your company’s goals and values and reflect if they align with yours. Working for a company that inspires you and has similar values and goals can help you maintain motivation and feel confident continuing your career at the organization. After reflecting and listening to your colleagues, consider what department, or positions you find most desirable. By distinguishing your goal, it can help you draft the necessary steps to take to get there.

Although, it is important to determine and distinguish the path you want to take, use this path a guide and not a step-by-step rigid plan. Your growth will be fluid and as you continue to learn and grow you may make adjustments or change your path altogether.

Communicate Your Goals with Your Supervisor

Your supervisor should be aware of the goals you are trying to pursue. A great manager will be your advocate and although your career path is yours, they can shine a light and help guide you to help your goals. Additionally, if you communicate your goals with your manager, they can provide feedback and guidance. Moreover, by making your manager aware of your goals it allows your manager to see your ambition, and with guidance allow you to take initiative so can achieve and continue to grow.

Continuing Education

Education is a great way to gain experience and enhance your professional career and development. There are a plethora of programs that can be relevant to your role. Additionally, your organization may offer a compensation increase if you further your education. Furthermore, some organizations, will provide financial assistance if you choose to further your education.

Ask for Challenges

If you begin to feel like your growth is becoming stagnant, have a discussion with your manager! Take initiative and ask to be put on more challenging projects. Ask if you are able to attend informational meetings that will improve your knowledge and background about the work that you do. Additionally, you can use this conversation as a precursor to talking to your manager about the career trajectory you see for yourself.

Assess Areas for Improvement

You are not expected to be perfect at everything however, being aware and seeking assistance where your weaknesses are, only helps you improve. Areas of improvement do not have need nor have to be your main focus; however, you can make yourself more marketable the stronger you get in each facet of your organization. For example, if you struggle with Microsoft Excel, ask your colleagues for their tips, or take an outside class. Remember to take initiative and create process improvements for yourself!

Career development is essential to creating a plan of growth and define the career you want to have. Remember to take the time for yourself and reflect where and how you want your career to take shape!

Looking to Learn More? Check the Link Below!

7 Tips for Growing Within a Company-Indeed

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