28 Sep Gaps in Your Project? Here are Five Things to do When You Don’t Have Enough to do at Work

By: Megan Jones
In a perfect world, you should have a steady workflow that isn’t too overwhelming fully or too light. Unfortunately, this might not always be the case. There may be times when your workload is heavier and there may be times that your workload is a little lighter. When your workload is a lighter take a moment to enjoy it, and consider it as a wonderful opportunity to learn something new and/or help out your other colleagues. Here are 5 things to do when you don’t have enough to do at work.
Why Workload balance is Important
Having a steady workload, allows you to stay motivated in your position and feel confident in your capabilities. Additionally, it allows you to appreciate your position and your company. Moreover, it allows to continually learn about your organization and the importance of your position. All in all being busy can feel satisfying and make you feel like you are an important asset to the organization.
5 Things to do When you Don’t Have Enough to do at Work
Revisit Paused Projects
If you have any projects set on hold, revisit them to reacclimate yourself with them. Are there any updates or sections you can work on? Look at your do list, are there small sub-projects you can complete? Consider this to being your first step when your workload is light. It allows you to check-in with yourself and see if there is anything you can work on within your workload.
Ask Your Coworkers or Job Shadow
If your workload is feeling a little light, consider asking your coworkers if you can lend a helping hand. It allows you to learn something new from another colleague and it provides the opportunity for you to be a team player and help out your team. Moreover, consider asking a colleague if you can shadow them on a project they are working on. You can learn a new skill and become a more valuable asset to your team.
Speak with your Manager
If your workload is light, consider talking to your manager to discuss if there is anything you can work on. It is a great way to also discus your bandwidth and let your manager know you are capable of taking additional responsibilities on, should the opportunity present itself. Additionally, by discussing this with your manager, it shows your manager that you are taking initiative, that you are a team player, and you are someone who can complete your work in a timely fashion.
Join a Committee
Many organizations may have internal committees that you can join. These can be employee networks or organizations that your company works alongside with. This is a great way to meet other colleagues that may not be in your department in addition to supporting an employee network.
Sign up for a Training
If you have the extra time, consider signing up for a training. It can be a great way to become a subject matter expert in a certain area. Additionally, it is a great way to learn a new skill or refresh your memory on skill you haven’t had worked on in a while.
When there is a lull in your workload look at it as an opportunity for growth to expand your skillset and be a team player and help out your team!