5 Reasons You Should Have a Mentor    

By: Megan Jones

Mentors can be a great way to have an ally in the professional workplace. They can be a friend who can guide you and help you grow professionally and personally. It is a wonderful opportunity to get to know someone on a professional and personal level who can be your guide throughout your career. If you are considering it, here are 5 reasons why you should have a mentor!

What is a Mentor?

A mentor is someone who you can turn to for professional help or development. Some organizations may have a program and assign you to a mentor. Another way to meet your mentor is through your professional position or in your everyday life. Your mentor could be your boss but, in my opinion, it is best to have a mentor that doesn’t have a hierarchal affiliation with you. Being mentored by someone who isn’t in your department allows you the opportunity to seek advice about your position, your manager or colleagues, or professional situations with complete candor. Mentors can be great way to help you learn and grow professionally.

5 Reasons You Should Have a Mentor

Professional Reference

Once you have built a relationship with your mentor, they can be a great person to rely on for a reference for future professional opportunity. They can speak about your experience and especially explain your professional development and growth.

New Perspective

If your mentor isn’t your manager or in your department, they can be a great resource to get some perspective from. Sometimes fresh eyes can make all the difference and bring a much-needed perspective to situations or projects. Sometimes the best way to solve a situation is to pull an outsider, because when you are in the thick of it, it can be hard to see what options you have. This can be a great way to also get a unbiased opinion. They can provide insight that you maybe haven’t thought of.

Guidance and Advice

Your mentor can be a great way to get guidance professionally. They may have more experience and can help guide you through your career. Your mentor can be someone who can give you advice as they are a neutral party in the situation. Moreover, they are a great resource to talk a problem through.

Network Connection

If your mentor works within the company, your mentor can be a great connector and a networking resource. They can connect you with other personnel or be a familiar face at a networking event.


Your mentor should be someone who will cheer you on throughout your career. I am lucky enough to say I have had a couple of professional mentors and they have always been my biggest cheerleaders. They remind me of my capabilities and celebrate my successes. Your mentor can be a great person to help build your professional confidence, remind you of your capabilities and how far you have grown.

We hope this help you see the all the wonderful perks that a mentor can bring, and maybe if you’re reading this you may consider becoming a mentor to someone in your organization!

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