14 Sep Celebrate World Gratitude Day!

By: Megan Jones
World Gratitude Day is next week, September 21st and it’s the perfect time to celebrate your employees and managers! As a manager this is a great time to provide positive feedback to your employees or provide a token of gratitude. Whether your office is entirely remote or in person, there are plenty of ways to celebrate! Here are some great ways to show your appreciation and celebrate World Gratitude Day!
How to Celebrate World Gratitude Day?
As we end Q3 this is the perfect time to remind your employees you appreciate their efforts. Depending on your budget there are a lot of great things you can do. If you need some ideas look no further!
Bring in Treats
I don’t know an employee that doesn’t get excited by free food. Bring in a breakfast pastry, or sweet treat for your employees to enjoy. If you have the time, set aside a 30 minute to hour “meeting” for employees to take a break and enjoy the treat together.
Create Certificates
Certificates are a great way to show that you appreciate a certain attribute that your employees contributes to the team. If you want to get more employees involved, make the certificate “superlative” for what each of your employees are known for throughout the office. You can get your employees input through a Google Form or Office Form and ask other employees to add their input about their colleagues. If you need assistance creating a certificate template, consider Canva, they have a plethora of free templates that you can use. It can be a fun way to remind your employees that you appreciate their efforts!
Personal Thank You
Sending a personal note to your team can be a great way to show that you recognize and appreciate your employees. Handwritten notes are not as popular, however it can be twice as meaningful. Consider taking the time to write your team a personalized note. Additionally, you can attach a piece of candy to make it extra sweet. Etsy has a great template that you can attach to show employees you appreciate their “commit-mint”.
Schedule a Luncheon
If you have the budget, consider treating your employees to lunch. This is a great way to get everyone together especially if your office isn’t in office together every day. Additionally, it’s a great opportunity to spend quality time as a team. Moreover, as a manager it is a great time for you talk to your employees outside the office.
Send a Gift Basket
If you have a larger budget to work with, consider sending your employees a gift basket. There are plenty of options, but it can be a great way to reward your employees regardless if you are in office or remote.
It is important to show your employees that you appreciate their efforts and World Gratitude Day is a great time to do it. Additionally, regardless of your position you can always express and showcase your gratitude to your colleagues and managers!