Ending an Interview: “Do You Have Any Questions”

By: Megan Jones

As your interview comes to a close, the most important interview question comes at the end. Do you have any questions? Regardless, of your impression on how the interview went prior, it is imperative to always ask questions at the end of your interview.  Tailor the questions you ask to showcase your genuine interest in the company. The questions you ask can help seal the deal for the position. Let’s take a look at questions you should be asking a hiring manager at the end of an interview.

Before you go into an interview, ensure that you have researched and rehearsed your questions and responses. First research the company. It is likely the hiring manager is going to want to know what you already know about the company. Make sure you have done your research and have key highlights. Looking to impress them further? Look up the company on LinkedIn or do an internet search to see if any the company has any new highlights or accomplishments. Additionally, prepare five to ten questions of further information you want to know

Company and Company Culture:

One of the most common questions after an interview fall under this category.

  • “What does a typical day look like in this role?”
  • “What is the company culture”
  • “Why do you enjoy working for this company?”

All of these questions although, range on the generic side, however, they are important to ask. Pick one from this category to ask during your interview, in order to gain better insight on the company and why people enjoy the company or the role they are in.

Qualities of the Position

This question provides context and showcases the skills that will be absolutely necessary to succeed in this position.

  • What are the primary characteristics or skills of someone who would succeed in this role?
  • What are the skills that your best previous employee exemplified?

This question provides you with the opportunity to learn what the hiring manager is truly looking for in a candidate. Additionally, it provides information about what will be expected of you should you get the role. Listen carefully to the hiring managers responses.

Measure of Performance

Ask a question regarding how your performance will be measured, or what will be expected of you provide insight to how you can excel in a position.

  • If I were in this position, how would my performance be measure?
  • What are your expectations of this position within the first 30, 60 and 90 days?

Questions like these provide you with direct insight to what the hiring manager is looking for. It showcases what is most important of this position and what you will expected to accomplish should you receive and accept an offer.

Next Steps

Asking about what the next steps in the process are, is an exceptionally important question to ask. It not only shows your interest, but also provides you a timeline of when you can expect to hear back.

  • Thank you for taking the time to discuss this position and learn more about me. What are the next steps in the hiring process?
  • Thank you for taking the time to discuss this role and company in depth with me today. What are the next steps in this process?
  • When can I expect to hear back from you regarding this role/position?

Again, these questions show your interest and can provide you, their timeline. Moreover, if you are looking to reach out regarding a position, you should not do so until this period of time has passed.

Ask About You

At the end of the interview, thank the hiring manager for their time and confirm if there is any additional information you can clarify.

  • Thank you again, for taking the time to discuss this position with me before we close is there any information regarding my resume or my responses that I need to clarify or elaborate on?

This question allows the hiring manager, to reflect and provides an opportunity for further explanation if needed.

Consider bringing these questions into your next interview, and remember regardless of how well the interview went it is imperative to ask questions. Continue to research and find the questions that most intrigue you about the company and position.

Best of luck in your next interview, we know you will nail it-unquestionably!


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