17 Aug 5 Ways to Welcome Your New Employees

By: Megan Jones
Joining a new organization is an exciting experience, and the impression you make is important. Likewise, as an organization the impression you provide your new hires makes a lasting impact. Showcasing your organizations culture and welcoming new hires can help with long term retention. Here are 5 ways to welcome your new employees!
Welcome Breakfast
When you have a new hire come on, take the time to get to know them and a welcome breakfast is a great way to start! This can take on a myriad of forms:
Multiple New Hires
If you have multiple new hires starting the same day, you can have a welcome breakfast orientation, so all the new hires get to know each other. This is a great way for new hires to meet people who are going through the same introduction and orientation. Starting at a new company can be overwhelming, so having a “buddy” who is starting at the same time can be comforting.
Team Welcome
As a manager, it is a great idea for you to take the time to introduce your new hire to the team. In personal experience, I had a manager bring in bagels, and set them near my desk so when the team came over for breakfast, they got to meet me. Another great way is to have a team meeting and introduce your new hire.
One-on One
Depending on your company size and format (working in office, remote, hybrid. etc.). having a larger team meeting may not be feasible, consider having a meeting one-on-one. As a manager you can explain your experience with the company, where you started and how far you have grown. This allows you to showcase your growth within the company, exemplify that you resonate with starting with a new company, and above all it begins to create an open line of communication that managers should have with their direct reports.
During this time, it is a great time to break out some ice breakers. Some ideas include:
- Welcome Bingo
- Two Truths and a Lie
- Baby Photo Submission: Have everyone submit a baby photo and teams guess who they think it is
- Categories: Name a category and have everyone pick their favorite. Then each group has 5 minutes to learn something about each other.
- (Example: Favorite genre of music, Hip-Hop, Country R&B, Jazz. Each person picks their favorite in that category and all individuals that share the same favorite have a 5 minute period to introduce themselves)
Buddy System
Starting a new company can be overwhelming and new hires may feel isolated because they do not know the people and the organizations systems. Therefore having a new hire have a “buddy” can be really helpful. This buddy’s goal is to answer questions and help train the new hire. The reason this can be helpful is as a new hire you are getting acclimated to how the organization communicates, and new hires could be apprehensive to reach out. Informing your new hire that they will have a buddy who is there at any time to answer questions and help with training, allows your new hire to feel that they have a person to turn to if they have any questions.
Training Beyond the Job Description
As a manager, show your new hire the tips and tricks you have learned along the way that extend beyond the job description. If you are in office, give your new hire a tour. Discuss what to do if there is an onsite injury. Where do they go if something breaks where it is facility related or IT? Provide a contact list of common contacts within the organization that troubleshoot problems. Show them the break rooms, where to get more office supplies if needed. All of these extend beyond their job training, but it can your new hire get acclimated and let them begin to understand the systems that extend beyond their job description.
Decorate their Office
Whether you are working remote or in office, a great way to introduce your new hire to the company is to decorate their office.
This can be with basic office supplies, and you can ship to their house if they work remotely.
If the employee is coming in, having the office essentials can help your new hire feel welcomed. If you have the budget, take it a step further and send a small questionnaire asking their favorite color, hobby, flower, etc., then decorate their office with their interests.
Depending on your budget you can provide Company Swag to your new hire! From a mug, shirt, notebook, pen the ideas are endless! Providing food baskets or fun SWAG bags can help your new hire feel welcomed and show off your support.
Welcoming your new hires can help them feel like they are a part of the organization. It showcases your company culture and allows your new hire to feel welcomed and excited to start this new experience with you!